Koudougou https://www.friendsofburkinafaso.org/index.php/ en Introducing Computers and the Internet to Students in Koudougou https://www.friendsofburkinafaso.org/index.php/projects/introducing-computers-and-internet-to-students-koudougou <span class="field field--name-title field--type-string field--label-hidden">Introducing Computers and the Internet to Students in Koudougou</span> <span class="field field--name-uid field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden"><span>fbf</span></span> <span class="field field--name-created field--type-created field--label-hidden"><time datetime="2013-04-13T10:46:17-04:00" title="Saturday, April 13, 2013 - 10:46" class="datetime">Sat, 04/13/2013 - 10:46</time> </span> <div class="field field--name-field-tags field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field__items"> <a href="/tags/2012" hreflang="en">2012</a>, <a href="/tags/2013" hreflang="en">2013</a>, <a href="/tags/it" hreflang="en">IT</a>, <a href="/tags/koudougou" hreflang="en">Koudougou</a>, <a href="/tags/peace-corps" hreflang="en">Peace Corps</a>, <a href="/tags/education" hreflang="en">education</a>, <a href="/tags/secondary-school" hreflang="en">secondary school</a> </div> <div class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p>In 2012 and 2013, the <em>Lycée Provincial à Koudougou</em> (LPK) developed an innovative computer-science curriculum, thanks to the leadership of I.T. faculty members a Peace Corps volunteer (PCV) assigned to the high school as well as some financial and technical support from the Friends of Burkina Faso. During this two-year period, over 250 students acquired basic computer skills and were exposed to the Internet for the first time. Enterprising students became teaching assistants. Others learned how to repair computers and/or helped manage the lab. Earnings from sales of refurbished computers to residents of Koudougou generated revenue, enabling the I.T. program to purchase needed equipment.</p></div> Sat, 13 Apr 2013 14:46:17 +0000 fbf 21 at https://www.friendsofburkinafaso.org