Dear Friends of Burkina Faso,

On behalf of the Board of Directors of Friends of Burkina Faso, I would like to extend to you and your loved ones our warmest greetings and best wishes for 2017!

Mogho Naaba The Mogho Naaba of Burkina Faso with the FBF Award For Peace, 2015  

I would also like to remind you that it is time to bring your annual membership dues up-to-date (by mail, or online) if you have not already done so. Your continued support is very important to the Friends of Burkina Faso as it allows us to sustain our volunteer-run, member-driven organization.

Please note that the FBF membership dues are now $25 per person per year. For 15 years, FBF had kept membership dues at $15 per year. But with the increase in the cost of living over time and the financial needs of the organization, the FBF Board of Directors has decided to increase the FBF membership dues in order to allow us to sustain and improve the services it offers its members.

We would also like to ask you to help us expand our membership base by encouraging others to join our organization and by spreading the word about FBF. As a 501c3 organization that has always put 100% of project contributions (raised by our Project Committee’s efforts) towards our community-driven projects, we need the consistent support of our members in order to maintain our administrative and operational expenses including but not limited to the production of our bi-annual newsletter, periodic organization of special events, our continued incorporation as a nonprofit organization in the District of Columbia, the maintenance of our website, the Annual Peace Award, and keeping you abreast of happenings in Burkina. In addition, in 2017, FBF will acquire and subscribe to necessary software to automate becoming a member and maintaining our database of members which was previously done manually.

If you have not yet renewed your membership, please do so between now and March 31, 2017, by filling out this form and mailing it back along with a check for $25 (made out to Friends of Burkina Faso) to the address indicated. Alternatively, you can go to this link where you can use PayPal to pay your dues.

FBF also offers the possibility of multi-year memberships. That allows you to pay for many years at once; this helps to streamline the process for both you and FBF. The option is listed in the membership form; please check it off if choosing this option and make your check amount to reflect your choice. *This option is not currently available electronically.

FBF also welcomes donations toward its operations and/or its many development projects (learn about them on the FBF website at Please check off the amount you’d like to donate and include it in your dues check. Please indicate if your donation is for FBF general operation funds, the Peace Award, or one of our successful projects.

When filling out the membership form, please indicate any particular skills you have that could be helpful to our organization as well as express your interest in becoming more actively involved with FBF! We are always looking for individuals with energy, ideas, time, and a spirit to leave the world a better and more connected place than we found it.

How else can I get involved?

Like us on Facebook: For those of you with Facebook profiles, visit our page: Keep up to date with what we are doing and maybe to find long lost friends through our network of friends. Please ‘like’ our page today.

Help us spread the word: If you know someone from your Peace Corps days or anyone else with an interest in Burkina Faso, encourage them to become a member of Friends of Burkina Faso.

Please accept our gratitude for your renewed membership, interest, and many contributions to FBF. Best wishes for a fruitful 2017.

Sali Greeley,
Membership Officer, FBF Board of Directors