Primary School Construction in Northern Burkina Faso

The Burkinabe government strives to provide teachers wherever primary schools exist. In response to this incentive, villagers in the north of Burkina Faso have built over 300 primary schools out of mud and thatched roofs. Unfortunately, the government lacks resources to replace more than a few of these village schools with durable schools built with cement-block classrooms, metal roofs, doors, windows; latrines; deep bore wells, and pumps.

Introducing Computers and the Internet to Students in Koudougou

In 2012 and 2013, the Lycée Provincial à Koudougou (LPK) developed an innovative computer-science curriculum, thanks to the leadership of I.T. faculty members a Peace Corps volunteer (PCV) assigned to the high school as well as some financial and technical support from the Friends of Burkina Faso. During this two-year period, over 250 students acquired basic computer skills and were exposed to the Internet for the first time. Enterprising students became teaching assistants. Others learned how to repair computers and/or helped manage the lab.

Ashoka and Social Entrepreneurship

Ashoka is a non-profit organization that promotes social entrepreneurship throughout the world. FBF formed a partnership with an Ashoka fellow from Burkina Faso in 2012. This fellow launched a nursery/forestry project designed to train youth about methods to cultivate and develop plantations of eucalyptus, jatropha, acacia, and fruit trees within the Bendatoege zone near Ouagadougou.